Rock N' Rule

Part One

Kortac Earth Base, whereabouts unkown

    Martac looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was worried that his green skin was starting to lose it's color. The Cappers were driving him insane, they have been able to thwart all of the Kortac plans, and he thought for certain that giving the former capper Deadlyringer psionic powers would be the end of the Cappers. Martac opened his mouth, the upper three rows of teeth were still there, not falling out, neither were the lower three rows of teeth.

   Those Cappers will be the death of me. He thought. He turned around and saw four Kortac walking slowly in. He smiled.

    "Is everything ready?" he asked

    "Yes, Supreme Commander." One of the Kortac, D'lunz, replied. "The music festival is underway. Several of the Earth's most popular bands will be attending. Our plan will be put into effect by the weekend."

    "Excellent, D'lunz. Turek, have you and Junz prepared the special transmitters around the area?"

    "Of course, sir" Turek replied, "And Nezmit has checked with the scientists on our other plan as well."

    "Excellent. The four of you have done well in preparing this music festival. The Kortac Empire will be proud of you, especially if this is a success."

    D'lunz, Turek, and Junz all bowed. Nezmit gave a slight shrug.

    Martac continued, "In the meantime, I want you to keep a low profile. Do not attract any attention. The last thing we need is interference from the Cappers."

New York City

    The cat walked onto the bus. It was black with white paws and a white patch on it's neck. It walked up to a couch and jumped up. It was almost ready to make itself comfortable, when it was suddenly picked up and tossed out of the bus.

    SpydieGirl shut the door of the bus and shook her head.

    "Wrong girl band, kitty." she said.

    She went over to her area of the tour bus and opened her bag. She took off her communicator and placed it in the bag.

    "I hope you guys can handle the Kortac without me," she said outloud, closing the bag. "because for this week, the only group I'm a member of is Snatrat."

    Spydie had no qualms with being a capper or helping in preventing the Earth from being conquered, but music was in her blood, and Snatrat, one of the hottest girl rock bands to come along in a long time, was her group. And this week was one of the biggest music festivals put together in history, definitely worth dropping saving the world just to play music.

    The doors of the bus opened and Sunrunner, the lead singer to Snatrat walked on, she was followed by Lascif, the bass player, Domino,the drummer, and Mariel the keyboardist.

    "We'll be shoving off as soon as Manacus gets here," Sunrunner said. Manacus was the stage manager of the band, he was the one person who made sure the band got everything they needed, the stage was set for their gigs, and that they got to their destinations. He also was the one who had the duty of talking with Maximillian Riche, the owner of the record company that Snatrat had a contract with.

    "I think he's got one of those phone calls with Maxi," Domino said, "He loves dealing with him."

    Spydie smiled, "Well, Mr. Riche is a very difficult man to deal with sometimes. However, he does seem to have a heart of gold. I mean he likes us."

    "Sure," Sunrunner agreed, "But we can point out a whole list of people he doesn't like."

    "Yea, but he gave us this new gig, MusicFest2000. Which I might add is a very original name." Mariel added

    "Oh yea," Lascif said "but it's not the name that matters, rather what the festival offers that's important."

    "And this festival offers Snatrat," Manacus said as he climbed onto the tour bus, "and Maximillian has said that he'll meet us there, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

    "Oh, Manny" Spydie joked, "You aren't scared of Maximillian Riche are you?"

    "Me? Scared of some multi billionaire? Hell yea. He's got big guys working for him that lift weights. You know, cars and trains."

    "Well, for now, all you have to do is drive the bus. Don't have to worry about dealing with Maximillian until we get to Arizona."

    "Unless," Mariel added, "You get us lost and we don't make it in time."

    Manacus smiled at Mariel, "Gee thanks."

    After a few minutes, the bus was heading out, leaving New York behind and heading towards Arizona.

Arizona, a few days later

    The Snatrat tour bus pulled into the festival grounds. All around there were other tour buses of other groups, limos, and a few private jets. The bus pulled up and the band got out. A festival official came up and Manacus received all the information that was needed.

    SpydieGirl looked around the place. "Well. Looks like it's going to be one hot festival."

    "Hot is right," Domino said, "don't these festival people realize that Arizona is, like, hot?"

    "Dom, quit complaining, they have a huge pool installed over there behind the stage area. And I'm sure that all the major soft drink companies are here."

    A gentleman came over to the group with a smile on his face, he was dressed for success, "Do not worry, ladies, everything will be done to make sure you are comfortable." He said, he was Maximillian Riche, multi billionaire and owner of Riche Records, Snatrat's label.

    "Maxi," Sunrunner said "Who are these people putting together this festival? I can't even find the name of the organization anywhere on the flyers."

    "It is run by four gentlemen who, I presume, wish to be anonymous. However, I have had phone conversations with one of them, a Mr. Nezmit. I'm sure this whole affair is legal."

    "I'm sure it is, Maxi." Manacus said with a big smile.

    "Don't call me 'Maxi'"

    Manacus' smile quickly faded, "Sorry, sir"

    "Anyway, hotel accommodations have been provided, but first, we need to discuss the agenda, you will be playing on Saturday, after the National Anthem which will be played by the group, The Masturbating Zombie's. Until then, enjoy the festival and the music."

    "I think we will." Lascif agreed

    "Yea," SpydieGirl added, "I mean it's a music festival. Other than the usual problems of audience members getting drunk, getting into fights, and almost killing each other, what can go wrong?"

Elsewhere, in a secret hideout

    Junz walked into the room, Nezmit glanced over at him,then turned back to the magazine that he had been reading.   

    "All of the bands have now arrived. Turek has double checked the transmitters. What of Phase II?" Junz asked

    Nezmit pointed over at D'lunz who pushed a button on a console. A door slid opened and five human males walked out and stood in front of the three Kortac.

    "Behold," D'lunz said, proudly "I give you our ultimate weapon. Nobody can resist them. The human race will be under their power. Why, I would almost bet that the human race will keep this group at the top of the charts, which would give more air play, resulting in more people surrendering to the Glory that is the Kortac. My dear friend, Junz, I give you 'The Guys'."

    D'lunz and Junz laughed most wickedly. Nezmit just looked at the two, then shrugged. The Guys posed.

    To Be Continued

(Next week: We continue to rock on)


Table of Contents

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four