Wrath of Deadlyringer

Part Two


The dimensional world of Arcetrana

    JoeCrow finished assembling the engine to the dimensional fighters that the Cappers were obtaining. The Gray Zombie thought it would be a good idea to disassemble and reassemble the engines, just to have a better understanding on the mechanics of the ships. He turned to Gray Zombie and pointed to the engine.

    "Cool." Gray Zombie said, "You did that a lot faster than Glitter and Amon put together."

    Gray looked and found a few mechanical pieces laying around.

    "Are these part of the engine?" he asked

    "Yea," Joe replied, "didn't think they'd be important."

    Gray shrugged, "Let's install it in the fighter and see how she runs."

    GlitterRock and Amon walked into the workshop. Gray picked up one of the mechanical pieces and showed it to them with a puzzled look. The two Cappers shrugged.

    "Maybe it'll run better." suggested Gray

    JoeCrow nodded, "Sounds good to me."

    "So Gray," Glitter said, "you really think that Deadlyringer has psionic abilities?"

    "Actually, I'd say it's more of a hunch. None of us have ever met the guy in person, maybe deep down he's a really swell guy."

    JoeCrow scoffed, "Yea right, and I'm the epitome of a people person."

    Amon looked over the engine then looked at his comrades, "I'm not much on psionics, seems to be a thing for comic books and sci fi movies. Never had to deal with them in my life, and being a master of disguise, you run into all kinds of people."

    "You know what's funny," JoeCrow pointed "Tolstoy thought we were all just normal everyday people who hung around the computers making smart ass captions to Sci Fi's programming. I don't think he realized that we were demon hunters, spies, secret agents, and God knows what else."

    "There's a few Cappers who are normal." GlitterRock said "But on the whole, we're all a lot of talented individuals."

    "We're also funny." Joe said


    Moon Queen walked into the workshop with an Arcetranan. They, like Technicans, closely resembled humans, only an Arctranan had golden eyes, with gray pupils. The four male Cappers all bowed to the Arcetranan, who was the High Exalted Zioxen, leader of his world.

    "GZ," Moon Queen said, "I was talking with his High Exalted One about the possibility of the Deadlyringer having psionic powers. His High Exalted One may be able to assist us concerning that."

    Gray Zombie turned to the Arcetranan, he and Joe found it easy to show Zioxen the respect that was given to him being an honorable man, and made a slight bow.

    "High Exalted One, we are not sure if we are facing a person with psionic abilities, but as the saying on our world goes 'Better to be safe, than to be sorry'"

    Zioxen smiled, and made a slight bow, he found the Cappers to be as honorable as his most trusted allies and deserved the respect that he gave.

    "Zombie of the Gray, tomorrow evening, I will show you and your comrades a trick that people of psionic abilities use. You can, of course, use this to your advantage."

    "I patiently await this demonstration." Gray replied with another bow.

    After Zioxen made his leave. Gray Zombie turned to the others.

    "You know what, I like that guy and all, but this talking like we're in Shogun or something is for the frippin' birds." he said.

    JoeCrow shrugged, then assisted Amon and Glitter in installing the engine in the fighter. Moon Queen climbed into the cockpit of the fighter as they finished the installation.

    I just hope, that if Deadlyringer has psionic abilities, we're not too late to help. Gray thought

A warehouse, somewhere on Earth

    MedusaD fired a few shots from her laser rifle. The Kortac were using the warehouse to contaminate milk that was stored in tanker trucks that they hijacked. She looked around the place. Dibbley, CindyM, Fuquad, and (under protest) Deadlyringer were also fighting the Kortac.

    "Don't let any of them escape," she ordered "and don't let any of the trucks get out. We don't want people to be poisoned."

    "I can take care of that." Dibbley called out, as he proceeded to fire at the tanker trucks. Milk poured out onto a few Kortac, who ran away, trying not to swallow any of the milk.

    "Good job" Medusa said

    Deadlyringer ran over to where a few Kortac corpses lay. He looked down and noticed that one of the Kortac had dropped a few computer discs. He looked around to make sure the others were busy and looked back at the discs. Suddenly, the discs burst into flames.

    "The hell just happened?" MedusaD asked running over to him.

    "I don't know," Deadlyringer replied "they just burst into flames. But it looks like we won."

    "Yea, we did," Fuquad said "pretty good fighting there, D.R."

    "Thanks Fuquad. So, D, how about a kiss?"

    Medusa laughed, "Yea right. In your dreams, bucko."

    Deadlyringers eyes narrowed as he came closer to her, "I said, how about a kiss."

      Medusa pushed back on Deadlyringer, hard. Deadlyringer fell back, tripping on a Kortac corpse.

    "Back off, Deadlyringer, and that's the last time I'm telling you."

    "Oh, come on, D" CindyM said, "It's just a harmless kiss."

    As the Cappers started to argue, Deadlyringer got up and stared hard at Medusa, fists clenched. Nothing happened. He did the same thing again, still nothing.

    "Ok, shut up." yelled MedusaD "That's enough, let's go back to Capper Central."

    "D's right" Dibbley said, "what's with you two anyway taking Deadlyringer's side? Thought you said he was a moron."

    Fuquad shrugged, "I was wrong. I can change my mind you know."

    Dibbley and MedusaD simply looked at each other.

Capper Central, Deadlyringer's quarters. Later

    Deadlyringer ran into his quarters, and made sure the door was locked. He looked around the room.

    Don't tell me I've lost my powers. he thought

    He looked and saw a book on the table. He looked at the book, which levitated off the table. Then the table lifted off the floor.

    I'm not losing my powers. What the hell just happened back there?

Capper Central Library, Archives, Level Seven

    Animebabe looked around the table at the few Cappers that were there. Over the past couple of days, several Cappers, not just Fuquad and CindyM, were acting strangely. Tolstoy, as well, had started to act strange. All of those affected seemed to be in, what was known as, The Deadlyringer Fan Club. Only those present seemed to be unaffected, all but two suffering from migraines. Hodgson, Animebabe's puppy, played around on the floor, animals seeming to be free of Deadlyringer's spell.

    "Hobbes," Anime said "is it safe to have you present."

    "They won't even know I'm missing." Hobbes replied from a small monitor on the wall "I'm able to do more than one function at the same time, and I'm afraid that Tolstoy's behavior is quite unbecoming."

    At the other end of the table, one Capper, wearing a hat, cloak and scarf which seemed to hide his features looked around.

    "Seven of us," he noted, "seven out of how many?"

    Animebabe shook her head, "We're not sure, Keogh. But these migraines are killing me."

     Dibbley rubbed his temples, "I would like to know why Opus and Medusa aren't getting migraines?"

    Opus handed the Cappers packets of aspirin, "I've been trained since an early age to fight psionic powers, especially telepaths. I don't know about Medusa."

    Medusa shook her head, "I don't know."

    ABServo looked at her and Dibbley, "And Cindy gave him a hug?"

    Animebabe held up her hand, "AB, no. Save it for later. For now, you, Keogh, and Devil Doll are to keep a close eye on the rest of the team. Anyone you think may be free of Deadlyringer's grip, bring them in the fold. Hobbes, if Tolstoy is under Deadlyringer's telepathic grip, what happens to you? I mean, he created you."

    "I had started independent thinking the moment that you and the rest taught me how to cap. One thing is certain, he won't shut me down. Not unless he wishes to kill everyone."

    Keogh looked over, as he spoke, the rest couldn't tell if his lips were moving, "And why is that?"

    "I control the higher functions of Capper Central, which is located out in the dimensional vortex. Like outer space, there is no oxygen. Part of my functions include life support. You shut me off, you have two hours of oxygen."

    "Well," Devil Doll said, "that's nice to know. Is it too late to go home?"

    Animebabe looked at Opus, "Ok, Opie, tell us the different types of psionics."

    Opus took a deep breath and then started going down the list from the top of her head.


    Animebabe nodded, "I think we're dealing with that."

    "Telekinesis-the ability to lift objects with your mind. Photokinesis-The ability to bend light waves. Cryogenesis-the ability to lower the temperature of an object...."

    Medusa looked up, she had been in deep thought, but upon hearing that, she realized something, "That would mean Pyrokenesis is the ability to raise the temperature of an object?"

    Opus nodded, "There's all sorts of psionic powers. I'm not sure what all Deadlyringer is capable of doing."

    Medusa looked over at Dibbley, "Dib, when did you start having the migraines?"

    Dibbley thought for a moment then replied, "After we got back, you went to find A-babe and Opus and I was alone with the Annoying One."

    Medusa nodded, "At the warehouse, Deadlyringer tried to kiss me, but I didn't get the feeling that someone was in my mind. Also, after I pushed him off, I saw him looking like he was constipated, but he was looking at me."

    "I did not realize that you had that affect on men." Hobbes said


    "Oh, forgive me, Medusa. I've been spending too much time with The Gray Zombie."

    "Figures. Anyway, I think he was trying to do something psionically, but he was unable to do it."

    Keogh looked at Opus, "Is 'psionically' a word?"

    Opus shrugged, "We're Cappers. We make up words. We also don't really care about proper grammar. Which is why we talks as we likes. I don't know about Medusa's little gift though. Uncle Gray would know."

    "If it is a gift," Dibbley pointed out, "for all we know, it may be a temporary thing, and she could be his next victim."

    Animebabe looked at Hobbes, "Can we make a secret call to Gray and the others?"

    "I'll work on it Anime, it will take about thirty minutes. I hope that's enough time."

    "I think so, in the meantime, everyone be careful. Watch everyone's actions. Before Gray left, he told Opus that he smelled a Kortac, and if someone like Deadlyringer has these psionic abilities, then he's even more deadly than we'd think."

    Everyone got up from the table and left.


    DanZero and BuckFifty sat at the table. Both acting very strange.

    "Hey, DanielZeroiel, you know what?" Buck asked

    "What, BuckarooFiftyBanzai?" Dan asked back

    "I think that this is how Gray Zombie felt when he took that medication for that headache thingy he had."

    "Yea. I like him. He's one helluva guy. He picks on me, cuz he likes me. I wonder what he does with peoples he don't like?"

    "I think he kills them."

    Deadlyringer quickly approached the table, "Really? Well, I have an idea. How about we kill someone."

    DanZero looked at Deadlyringer as if to protest, then stopped. "Hey, yea. I want to kill someone. Do you, Bucky?"

    BuckFifty finished his orange juice and looked at Dan, "No, not right now. I'll kill the next guy."

    "Cool Beans. Neato Keeno. Ummm, whatever. Hey, Deadly, old Ringer. Who can I kill?"

    Deadlyringer pretended to think about it, then snapped his fingers. "I know, howabout MedusaD?"

    "Ok, wait, we can't. See, Gray kills people he don't like. We like MedusaD." he then started sobbing, "She's such an angel. One helluva human being. Next to BuckFifty, of course."

    Deadlyringer looked at Dan, his eyes narrowed, "I think, we should kill MedusaD."

    "You got a point, I'll have to prepare it, though. You know, make it look real splendid."


    DanZero got up and left. Deadlyringer turned and walked away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the medication used to stop migraines.

   Now I know how to get the rest of them under my powers. He thought

To Be Continued

(Next Week: Gray learns how to deal with psionic powers. MedusaD learns why she's not under Deadlyringers spell. And Dan comes to his senses, trust me)


Table of Contents

Part One

Part Three

Part Four